Welcome to the "Ham Radio El Paso" Web Site!
Tip of the Day
Can you run 60 mph? Wildfire can. When told to evacuate due to fire, get out!
This is where you can come to find the latest information on Amateur Radio (also known as "Ham Radio") related activities and events in El Paso, Texas and the surrounding area.
All Ham Radio clubs and organizations in the area are welcome (and encouraged) to provide information to this site and keep it up to date.
And don't forget to support your local clubs!
El Paso Ham Radio phone line
For general questions about Amateur Radio in the El Paso area
(915) 239-5128 (leave a message)
Please e-mail any comments, changes, corrections, additions, or updates to hamradioelpaso@gmail.com
You can also phone in questions, changes, corrections, additions, or updates to (915) 247-8426 (this is Google voice-mail only).
Please leave a call back number so we can get back to you.